IoT slide deck 2024-09 Update

Here is the update of my IoT slide collection, which now approaches 400 slides that you are free to reuse. In this new edition, you will find technical elements on Meshtastic, Mioty, DePin, LoRa updates throughout, and a few introductory slides on blockchains. However, on this point, my new deck, published a few days ago, is more relevant.

As usual, to go further, you can find video content on my Youtube channel, like my new MooC about Block Chain and my IoT MooC (long version) posted this year.

The 2024 edition is about 60 new slides:

  • Meshatistic, a meshed LoRaWan solution
  • Mioty, a telegram split oriented LPWAN technology
  • DePin, a blockchain based solution to provide services around networks, infrastructure, physical world data collection
  • Blockchain technology basics
  • LoRa frame “secrets”

This material is free of use, please mention the source.

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