Smart home and wifi pros & cons

Getting this picture from the social networks it was an opportunity on reacting about the general use of wifi technology for IoT smart home equipment and the risk you have to design a such solution.

The following video is a VLOG about this question. As it is in french, this post will details the main lines about my feeling.


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Life coding – how to use DNA for making robots

A second video : this time about “life coding”. They are technics based on reverse engineering to understand how life and DNA is working to create robots ; even if all of this is more biology than computers I was really touched by the Xavier Duportet talk about these technics and what he is doing.

For these reasons, it is the topic of my second youtube video (as the first on it is in French).

Enjoy !

What left in BlockChain if you avoid talking about crypto and money ?

A new try for this website : my first video post !!

The topic is blockchain and to avoid you to have to support my terrible french accent the talk is in French.

This is a try, so please comment the video to see if it make sense for me to continue that way on this support with such topics.


LoRaWAN is coming !

Lora-300x171Last week, Objenious (a bouygues Telecom company) has announced the availability of its LoRaWAN network in France. With already 32 cities covered, about 50% of people can access to the low power network. More over they have announced the deployment of 4000 antennas by end of the year to cover the whole country.

I had the opportunity to test the network and as far as now, I can say it works well, the backend is nice even if it sounds a bit not intuitive yet but for sure they will fix it soon. The good news was a communication about price, with a range of 12€ to 1€ depending on volume, the pricing is really near Sigfox one in a first look. The volume scale will be really important to see the difference as the technical offer (message limit, bandwidth, downlink limit if we have some or not).

In my point of view, Orange is the one loosing most with this announce as they are supposed to start soon with 11 cities in France and they did not yet communicate on the scaling. So now, we are waiting for Orange response and offer in this competition.

The surprising thing in the Objenious announced was the roaming capability with USA as the LoRa frequencies are not compatible between Europe and USA. As most of the device are not yet dual band and the question of detecting the location before emitting still an issue for such use-case, I do not really see how it can have a short term positive impact on project. By-the-way, I was also not aware the LoRaWAN specification for roaming was published. Is it ?

So welcome to Objenious in LPWAN french market, competition is always a good think, and what you announced sounds good and useful for object maker like me.


CES2016 – Last post : some of my favorite exihitors

ces2016bisTo conclude with my CES 2016 posts I want to share what I’ve seen and what surprised me ; it is a mix of fun stuff, 3d printing machine, drone or electronic. To have a complete view of it, you should also read my post about CES unveiled where I already post about my favorite startups.



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CES2016 – Connected Cars

Connected cars

Connected cars

A second post once back from CES about connected cars ; connected cars are not autonomous cars even if autonomous cars are connected cars. For sure what is important is connected cars are already a reality and also a growing trend. Cars are connected different ways, for safety in a first step. Once the car is connected to Internet you have many ways to use this connectivity for the driver use as for the constructor use. Connected car is a great opportunity to propose new services for the consumer and most of this post will be about theses new services.

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