SigFox arduino Raspberry PI hacking board

sigfox hack board

sigfox hack board

I assume you know a little bit who I am and what I’m doing, I’m not the one to by > 100€ to buy a one shot development board kit to test & hack a device like the Telecom Design chip. So basically I built my own with the objective to work with multiple configuration.

My “cahier des charges” was to make a board able to be installed as a dauther board on a raspberry PI,  able to support an arduino, able to run autonomously and being able to own a TD1204 as a TD1208.

It was a huge work to route it and I must recognize that it do not have all the GPIO connected as I expected but it exists, it works and it help me to build my first SigFox prototypes with success.

So, now, I propose to distribute this board to those of you looking for a such swiss knife.

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TD1204 – How to use GPS device for geolocalization with Sigfox

The TD1204 is the GPS & Accelerometer version of the sigfox Telecom Design chip. After a previous post about the use of the accelerometers (here) I’m describing how to use the GPS module.

The embedded GPS is based on a UBX G7020 chip. This chip will give you the date, time, longitude, latitude, altitude, speed and direction of the device when activated.

Read more for programming details

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TD1204 – getting start with accelerometers

The Telecom Design TD 1204, used on Sigfox network have a builtin 3 axis accelerometer and a lack of documentation as usual… By the way, here is the result of my searches to make it work.

Basically, the provided libraries makes it easy to use, in the setup part you have to initialize the accelerometers and in the main loop you have to run a TD_ACCELERO_Process(); method to monitor the IRQ and call your callback function to read the data.

It means that the accelerometers is not automatically waking up the device but managed during the 32KHz wakeup look.

The next part is detailing how to use it.

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Getting start with Square template for Angular.js

Square is a template  you can find on themeforest for 19$ for a single site and for a non profit website. It contains angular, twitter bootstrap and other package already configured to make your project quickly operational.

This post is detailing some way to use it. You won’t find everything but the points I had to search longer before finding a solution. Hope it will help

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Sample data from ADC with Sigfox / Telecom-Design

I just finished a program started a couple of month ago. When I stared to it, I had a hard work to find how to sample a group of  256 values at 32Khz with the EFM32 device embedded in the Telecom Design TD1204 / TD1208 used for my SigFox project. This post details how to do this task

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Low consumption audio capture circuit for arduino

I had to work a little bit on an audio solution to get sound samples using a micro-controler. I based my design on an Internet really known circuit but I had to optimize it a little bit to be more efficient in terms of energy. This post is giving the result of my hack.

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