BeagleBone Black temperature sensor

Here is a quick hack to interface a temperature sensor to a BeagleBone Black unit.

I choose to use a Microship TCN75AVOA component. This SMS component is not really easy to use for prototyping but feasible. This component have a unit cost < 1€ and operate at 5V or 3.3V (as for BeagleBone). A Dip8 version exists. The communication with the CPU is numerical based on a two wire connection type I2C. It measures from -40°C to +125°C on 8b + 4b decimal with +/- 1°C precision.

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Raspberry PI – wan emulation

PIWan project : Here is a new, quick & dirty project to be done with a raspberry PI : At work we currently have to simulate our application for a worldwide usage. We have really great tools for that but they need expertise and specific campaigns. The purpose of this document is to describe a RPI based solution with two Ethernet cards and some clever command lines to simulate a wan network for developers. The advantage of this solution will be to cost less than 100euros and will be easy to use with the right documentation.

See next pages for implementation details:

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BeagleBone Black – configure NTP client

The BeagleBone black do not have Real Time Clock and as a consequence each time you reboot, you’re back at time 0. To get it updated to the local hour, you can configure NTP client (if connected to network) using the following commands:

root@beaglebone:~# opkg update
root@beaglebone:~# opkg install ntp ntpdate
root@beaglebone:~# mv /etc/localtime /etc/localtime.old
root@beaglebone:~# ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Paris /etc/localtime
root@beaglebone:~# killall -KILL ntpd
root@beaglebone:~# ntpdate
root@beaglebone:~# /etc/init.d/ntpd start
root@beaglebone:~# date
Sun Jun  2 17:41:10 CEST 2013

BeagleBone Black – General Overview

I just got my BeagleBone black device, this is really looking like a Raspberry PI, but personally I found multiple advantage for this card compare to RPI, the first one is related to the embedded 2GB of flash memory that do not require to add external storage. Thank to that, for the first start, you just need to connect the device to your network and a screen and it run ! After about 30s you are connected to a graphical interface and able to surf the web.

The first issue I got with this device is the micro-hdmi connector located really close to the USB connector, due to the current use of an micro-hdmi 2 hdmi adaptor, i’m not able to connect correctly a USB device.I highly recommend to use a micro-hdmi cable instead of a monoblock micro-hdmi to hdmi adaptor for this reason.

By the way, the device is accessible using ssh (root/rootme) and display can be exported easily.

The next part of the article will be about different comparison between BeagleBone and other systems like Raspberry Pi.

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Configurer la DMZ sur une BBox Sensation

Un petit article, plus pour le troll qu’autre chose … Depuis que je suis passé à la fibre Bouygues je dévouvre la bbox sensation et son niveau de bug jamais atteind par ce type d’équipement … Aujourd’hui après un reset factory default (seul moyen pour réactivé le Wifi une fois désactivé), j’ai souhaité configuré la DMZ pour ne pas avoir à recommencer la configuration NAT un peu plus longue.

J’avais précédemment rencontré des problèmes que j’avais attribué au fait d’avoir changer l’adresse IP par défaut. Il n’en est en fait rien : la fonctionnalité ne mache simplement pas, tout du moins sur firefox ou safari. Le Javascrit executé ne savant visiblement pas lire le champ prérempli contenant l’IP cible. Ainsi un joli message vous indique que tous les champs ne sont pas rempli et la validation est impossible.

J’en suis donc passé par FireBug : la methode est simple (enfin si l’on veut)

1. Aller sur la page DMZ, se loguer en lançant firefox et activant l’onglet JS

2. Recherche la fonction OnSubmit()

function onSubmit()
   if (element('displayIP').style.display == '') { 
      var ip = '';
   } else { 
      var ip = checkInput(false);
      if (ip)

3. Mettre un point d’arret dessus
4. Exécuter jusqu’à la ligne if(ip)
5. Modifier la variable IP pour lui mettre l’IP cible ex : “”
6. Continuer l’exécution

Après l’exécution de la fonction, si vous revenez sur l’onglet DMZ, vous verez que celle-ci est activée.

Après, si ca ne marche pas, il ne faut peut etre pas jeter la pierre à Bouygues … ils ont peut etre testé avec IE6, qui sait !



PirateBox upgrade to Forban

I’m looking to upgrade my two pirate box to test the mesh network forban between the two. Apparently, this will slow down the device as the TP Link small devices are not so powerful, but i like the idea to be able to create mesh network between piratebox. In my point of view it is the right way to make this project real.

I actually have my two piratebox configured in version 0.5, i’ll firstly update them to the latest version, then add the Forban tool following Matthias’s materials.

I’ll upgrade my TP Link Mr3020 and TP Link MR3040.

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