Telecom Device TD1205 – Sigfox – Test

TD1205 - sigfox

TD1205 – sigfox

The TD1205 device is more than the usual Telecom Design Sigfox embedded circuit as TD1204 and TD1208, they are a all in one chip providing GPS antenna and RF antenna. Ready to use, to be clear you just need to plug a battery to use it.

In my point of view, for many applications not requiring more than 2 GPIOs, this product is really easy and chip way to design a SigFox product. As it costs around 55$ and you just have to add box & battery id sounds like the most affordable for small quantities. But …

This post is detailing what is specific to this chip ; read more following the link

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TD1208 – How to implement RF LAN

2 TD1208 configured as RF Lan

2 TD1208 configured as RF Lan

TD1208, SigFox chips, include a RF LAN fonction, this allow you to communicate between different TD1208 chip, locally, without using the SigFox network. This is really interesting if you have a network of sensor, you can connect them this way to a gateway. This gateway will then transmit the information to the SigFox network to reach your IoT service.

This post will describe how the rf_lan work and how to implement it.

I’m not fully sure I implement it the right way as the given example are really poor, the documentation is a mess and the source code of this part is not accessible… More over, my feeling is that this part of the SDK is still running bugs. What I mean is that in a future post you should find an update and a better way to do it than the one I’m going to describe. By-the-way, what is here is working, have fun with it !

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My Clermont’ech talk about MQTT

My last post was about a demonstration of what you can do in 5 minutes with MQTT. This video was part of a global MQTT presentation I’ve done for Clermont’ech APIHours.

Here is a full version of this talk in English. For French reader, the video of the talk in French will come soon as soon as Clermont’ech team will finalize it.

Enjoy !


Slide are here :

Create a connected PIR sensor with SigFox

Pir sensor

Pir sensor

In a previous blog post I described how I built a PIR sensor connected to Internet, based on the use of a Raspberry Pi device. As you can read in this previous post, the solution have a certain number of complexities like requiring a power supply, a 3G modem …

As it was originally planed to be done, here is the design of the same product, based on a SigFox device. This is really interesting to demonstrate the differences and the advantages of this technology. Let’s review how to built it !


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Create a 3G Pir sensor with a raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi 3G PIR sensor

Raspberry Pi 3G PIR sensor

Basically, it is something I was looking to do with SigFox, but unfortunately yesterday I bricked my chip because of a wire unsoldered right in the middle of the upload of a new firmware version … By the way, I’ll do it later once it will be fixed.

So I had to built it on a raspberry as a short term solution. Read next to get details


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What about TD1208 / Sigfox current consumption ?

In a previous post about SigFox technology, I told I will measure the power consumption to see if the device can be use with a battery easily. And what I can say is that they have made a great job on power saving with this device.

What I measure (with my really low cost multi-meter) is a standby consumption of 2uA and a transmission power of 45mA. The transmission of a message is not depending on the size of the message and is about 7s. As you can transmit up to 1 message every 15 minutes, the communication consumption is an average of 0,35mA/h.

Assuming battery from 750mA to 2500mA this is an autonomy from 4 months to 10 months. It’s a really interesting duration on battery and not comparable with a 3G communication system.

Now … testing is finish … I’ll start to implement a first POC for a project !

Hack fun !

Using Sigfox callback API to create your own application

In different previous post, I explained what is SigFox technology (a radio-communication system made for Internet Of Things, allowing a sensor to communicate with servers on Internet at an affordable price) and how to send data from a sensor to the SigFox backend.

This new post is explaining how to configure this back-end to get the sensor data loaded in your system and create your own application.

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