Create some Mioty Devices – Step 1

In my previous article, I shared my first steps as a Mioty user. Today, I want to dive into the creation of devices using this technology. It took me some time to publish this follow-up, as I encountered a few challenges—primarily related to an ecosystem that, unfortunately, remains stubbornly inaccessible.

In this initial post, I’ll share my experience with a ready-to-use module from Radiocraft. Future articles will explore other solutions… depending on my available time, of course. As you can probably tell, I haven’t been posting much lately, as I’ve been busy with other projects. Stay tuned!

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First steps with Mioty with Miromico Edge gateway

I’ve been following Mioty for a long time now, but until recently, it was more of a vaporware in terms of testability than a deployable technology. I won’t go back over the nauseating marketing communication led by those promoting this technology, as I’ve already touched on that in several articles.

The good news is that for the past few months, it has been possible to deploy it thanks to the excellent Miromico solution, a Miro Edge gateway, which is essentially an indoor LoRaWAN gateway with an integrated Mioty receiver in place of the LoRa concentrator.

Before diving into the details of Mioty, to define it briefly: it is a radio solution very close to LR-FHSS, which breaks down a message into small packets that are widely transmitted across the spectrum with redundancy, creating both temporal and frequency spreading. This reduces the risk of collision, increases capacity, and improves performance at the edge of the coverage area (which makes sense, especially in satellite communication where LR-FHSS is used).

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IoT slide deck 2024-09 Update

Here is the update of my IoT slide collection, which now approaches 400 slides that you are free to reuse. In this new edition, you will find technical elements on Meshtastic, Mioty, DePin, LoRa updates throughout, and a few introductory slides on blockchains. However, on this point, my new deck, published a few days ago, is more relevant.

As usual, to go further, you can find video content on my Youtube channel, like my new MooC about Block Chain and my IoT MooC (long version) posted this year.

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Take aways from 2024 LPWAN days at Pau

LPWAN Day is an annual conference for university research in the field of LPWAN. This year’s edition was held in Pau. The event provides an opportunity to review the state of research on technologies such as LoRaWAN, Mioty, Wirepas, and satellite experiments, fostering technical, detailed, and inspiring exchanges.

This year, about sixty participants attended, mainly from academia but also from industries like Semtech, Wirepas, Schneider, and Kineis. As in every edition, we had many very in-depth and passionate discussions. The organization was flawless, and the hospitality in Pau was exceptional. However, I must admit that our visits to Glacier Giorgios may have skewed our perceptions.

In summary, it was two wonderful days, with beautiful weather and exceptional people. Here are my key takeaways.

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