Play with remote selfie shutter and make your own Amazon dash button

Bluetooth remote shutter

Bluetooth remote shutter

Remote Selfie shutter are really low cost Bluetooth 3 buttons that are really easy to hack for making different applications.

These button can be found on ebay, amazon or aliexpress like following this link for less that 6$. The button is paired to the smartphone and then allow to execute photo shoot without the need of any third party application.



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Holapex – getting your first hologram at home

holapex hologram solution

holapex hologram solution

Did you dream about getting an hologram going out from your cell-phone, this is not sci-fi but a reality for less than 15$. Holapex has raised 3500$ on kickstarter to provide a kit for doing this and it has been delivered during the last days all over the world.

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