Idea of the day : meeting room auto configuration

The purpose of this idea is to locate a professional laptop inside a meeting room to automatically setup the video, audio connectivity to the equipment of the room. The solution would be fully wireless, based on wifi connectivity to room equipments. On the laptop a specific software allow to take control of the video, audio to start conferencing. This can also be coupled to a video conference to help connection. This could also be used for locating users by populating location information given by the IM systems. All of this could be based on wifi for location detection and device connectivity but the location precision is an important thing so other external system could be imagine even if they make it more complex to deploy.

As all the idea in this category, feel free to comment, and develop, if you become rich with it … don’t forget to help me paying my house !

How to improve PirateBox ?

PirateBox is an interesting concept, but it had a lot of limitations based on the fact that the distance covered by a wifi connection is really limited. The mobile devices, able to cover a larger distance also have limitation due to the time needed to transfer any content.

In fact, you can’t imagine to grab content from someone you cross on the street because you might be out of signal before finished to transfer your file. More over due to the actual memory size of the portable devices you can’t imagine to share a lot of stuff on it.

So the idea is great, and the future could change all what I just said. But, today, the reality is that this system is not really usable as a real anonymous and unlimited sharing system.

To improve the system, I would imagine a network of PirateBox, this idea requires to have a larger number of devices but it would allow to share a large amount of data even on restricted memory cards. The idea is that each PirateBox would have a second wifi adapter to connect to another PirateBox. To get the list of its files and share it across this point to point connection. As each of the Piratebox is connecting to a second one we could imagine to build, dynamically a large piratebox network.

The file requests and data transfers would goes from a point to another point without keeping trace of these transfer out of the point to point exchange.

I assume there are some interesting research around this idea as the system has to build a dynamic network, avoiding cycles and optimizing the communications to make the network larger as possible, using a non centralized system to manage all of this.

Anyone to start developing a such stuff ?

PirateBox creation based on TP-Link MR3020

Some days ago I bought a TpLink MR3020 with the objective to create a pirate box and experience this kind of solution. I already tried to do a stuff like this some month ago based on a netgear wifi router having the capability of sharing usb storage. But the system was not easily portable and not extensible.

The proposed solution, based on this low cost router is an interesting opportunity to made the solution mobile.

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Faille WPS – nouvel outil : Reaver

Un nouvel outil permettant l’attaque de résaux wifi protégés par WPS est sorti. Son petit nom est reaver. Il permet de tester différentes clefs sous la forme d’une attaque de type brute force. La methode employé permet de résoudre cette attaque en un maximum de 11.000 tests, ce qui est très peu.

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